We recommend protecting your pet from many common, life-threatening illnesses by having primary and booster vaccinations.
Dog vaccinations
Our core vaccinations include protection against distemper virus, parvo virus, canine adeno virus (hepatitis) and leptospirosis. Primary courses, for puppies and previously unvaccinated adults, require two vaccines to be given three to four weeks apart from six weeks of age.
We also have optional cover against rabies virus (for those animals travelling abroad) and kennel cough.
Cat vaccinations
Our core vaccinations include protection against feline enteritis (panleucopaenia) virus, feline rhinotracheitis virus and feline calicivirus. Vaccination against feline leukaemia virus is recommended for all cats but is optional for indoor-only cats. Primary courses, for kittens and previously unvaccinated adults, require two vaccines to be given three to four weeks apart from nine weeks of age.
We also have optional cover against rabies virus for those animals travelling abroad.
Rabbit vaccinations
Our core vaccinations include protection against myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease types one and two. A single vaccine offers protection from five weeks of age.
First vaccine package: £100
Booster vaccination: £60.50
Kennel cough vaccination: £48.40
Myxo RHD Plus vaccine (myxomatosis and RHD types one and two): £64
First vaccine package:
flu, enteritis and leukaemia – £100
flu and enteritis only – £100
Booster vaccinations:
flu, enteritis and leukaemia – £60.50
flu and enteritis only – £60.50